Outreach Initiatives

Project STEM

Project STEM is a summer internship program that invites high school students interested in science and engineering to be involved with research at a college level. The program is a collaborative effort between the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences (PBS) and the Indianapolis Project STEM. It is partially sponsored by the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, IU's Office of the Vice Provost for Research, the College of Arts and Sciences and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs. Currently researchers in chemistry, neuroscience, and PBS will host interns.

Founded in 1968, the program was originally chemistry-based. Now, however, IU project mentors focus on neuroscience, psychological, and cognitive sciences. Since 2014 the program has invited faculty mentors from other IUB science departments to participate as well.

Students are teamed with faculty mentors and graduate researchers to make a true scientific impact during their internships. Along with thorough and relevant safety training, they are given college and career counseling.

Child Scientists

Investigating every aspect of early development, the child development labs at the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences welcome babies and children as valued contributors to important scientific research.

Birth to 8 years old

Parents or legal guardians of children ages birth to 8 years are invited to register their child by filling out our online form. When your child reaches an age that matches the needs of an active study, you will be contacted by a researcher with an invitation to participate. For more information, please contact Char Wozniak (chwoznia@indiana.edu), Research Coordinator for Child Scientists.