James Adaryukov
- jadaryuk@iu.edu
Area: Cognitive Psychology
Advisors: Tim Pleskac
Interests: Decision-making in complex and naturalistic environments
This list includes graduate students currently studying in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. See which of the following students are currently serving on the Graduate Student Council at the link below.
See the Graduate Student Council members
Area: Cognitive Psychology
Advisors: Tim Pleskac
Interests: Decision-making in complex and naturalistic environments
Area: Cognitive Psychology
Advisor: Tom Busey
Interests: Decision making, emotions, and forensics
Cognitive Computing Lab
Area: Cognitive Science
Advisors: Michael Jones
Interests: Using computational methods to study cognitive biases and psycholinguistics; using insights from cognitive modeling to address bias in artificial intelligence, especially as it appears in language.
Area: Developmental
Advisors: Natasha Chaku
Interests: Victimization in adolescence, social motivation, development of self-identity and Theory of Mind, pubertal influence on social and cognitive development, social media usage
Cognition and Action Neuroimaging Laboratory (CANLab)
Area: Developmental Psychology
Advisor: Karin James
Interests: Cognitive Development, Drawing, Social-Emotional Development, Applied Educational Psychology
The Biobehavioral Alcohol Research Laboratory (BARL)
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Peter Finn
Interests: Social context impact on alcohol use. Risk and protective factors for alcohol use problems in racial/ethnic minoritized populations.
Developmental Psychopathology Lab
Area: Clinical Science
Advisors: Brian D’Onofrio
Interests: Etiology, risk, and resilience factors that contribute to anxiety, depression, and suicidal behavior
SADCAT Lab · CV (Curriculum Vitae)
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces
Interests: I am interested in emotion regulation, scalable interventions, improving access to evidence-based interventions for minoritized individuals
Computational Decision Making Lab
Area: Cognitive Psychology
Advisor: Jennifer Trueblood
Interests: Learning, judgment and decision-making, cognitive biases
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Natasha Chaku
Interests: Behavioral endocrinology, adolescences, family relationships, parental support/monitoring, puberty, pregnancy, developmental psychology
Judgement and Decision Research Lab + Computational Decision Making Lab
Area: Cognitive Psychology
Advisors: Jerome Busemeyer + Jennifer Trueblood
Interests: Quantum models of cognition, topic modeling in natural language processing, dynamic models of decision-making, hybrid cognitive-machine learning models
Neuroscience of Mind and Behavior (NiMBLe) Lab
Area: Computational + Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS)
Advisor: Anne Krendl
Interests: Understanding the trajectory of neural networks in clinical and healthy aging, and the influence of social context on those networks
Area: Developmental Psychology
Advisor: Natasha Chaku
Interests: Adolescent development; effects of stress on academic achievement and mental health; parent-child relationships; challenges faced by individuals from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds, especially refugees and immigrants.
Social Brain Lab
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Dan Kennedy
Interests: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social Cognition, Clinical Neuroscience
Computational Decision Making Lab
Area: Psychology + Cognitive Science
Advisor: Jennifer Trueblood
Interests: Modeling decision making about complex-real world objects, how attention can act as an informational processing bottleneck during decision making, the Wisdom of the Crowds
HirtLab · Personal Website
Area: Social Psychology
Advisor: Ed Hirt
Interests: Social Identity, Social Norms, Self and Identity
Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience Center
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Krista Wisner
Interests: Computational and neuroimaging methods, Interoception and affective processes
Motoneuron Plasticity, Therapeutics, and Development (Sengelabs)
Area: Mechanisms of Behavior
Advisor: Dale Sengelaub
Interests: Plasticity in spinal circuitry and motoneuron dendritic morphology after peripheral nerve injury or spinal cord injury
Family Relationships Lab
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Amy Holtzworth-Munroe
Interests: Family law, implementation science, intimate partner violence
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces
Interests: Precision mental health; personalized treatment for internalizing disorders; machine learning; diversity science; AI justice
Brain Networks and Behavior Lab (BNBL)
Area: Network Neuroscience
Advisors: Richard Betzel
Interests: Network Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Neuroimaging
Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Facial Expression Lab
Area: Social Psychology
Advisor: Kurt Hugenberg
Interests: Face Perception, Racial Prejudice, Emotion Perception, Intersectionality
Cognition and Action Neuroimaging Laboratory
Area: Cognitive Psychology
Advisor: Karin James
Interests: Object Recognition, Active versus Passive Learning, Viewpoint Effects in Object Recognition, Multisensory Learning
Area: Molecular and Systems Neuroscience
Advisor: Anne Prieto
Interests: Function of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases, Developmental Neurobiology, Learning and Memory, Neurodegeneration
Learning, Education, and Development (LEAD) Lab
Area: Developmental Psychology
Advisor: Dr. Emily Fyfe
Interests: Early STEM learning, Motivation, Educational technologies; I am interested in how social features of a learning environment (e.g. feedback; interaction with teachers, parents, and peers) affect educational outcomes (e.g. performance, motivation, emotional states) during early STEM learning.
HirtLab · Experimental Humanities Lab
Area: Social Psychology
Advisors: Ed Hirt + Fritz Breithaupt
Interests: Moral psychology, moral values, moral decision-making, ethics
Area: Cognitive
Advisor: Richard Shiffrin
Interests: computational modeling - memory - visual search - learning - cognition
Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience Center
Area: Clinical Science + Neuroscience
Advisor: William P. Hetrick
Interests: Psychosis Spectrum Disorders, Social Cognition, Cerebellum, EEG, fMRI, Schizotypy
Newman Memory Lab
Area: Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience
Interests: Computational neuroscience, network analysis, psychiatric diagnostics, precision medicine, neuro-informatics
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces
Interests: Common mental disorders; psychotherapy accessibility and outcomes; implementation and dissemination of evidence-based practices
Area: Social Psychology
Advisors: Ed Hirt
Interests: Ideologies, belief systems, and mindsets
Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Facial Expression Lab
Area: Social Psychology
Advisor: Kurt Hugenberg
Interests: Race and gender bias, face and body perception, intersectional biases, criminal justice contexts
Cognition and Action Neuroimaging Lab (CANLab)
Area: Clinical Science + Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Advisor: Karin H. James
Interests: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), fine motor skills, attentional mechanisms, handwriting acquisition and fluency, learning, educational psychology
Pain and Addiction Lab
Area: System and Molecular neuroscience
Advisor: Andrea Hohmann
Interests: Addiction and pain management
Area: Clinical Science
Advisor: Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces
Interests: Psychotherapy, treatment access, & digital/scalable treatments; social media & misinformation; mental health literacy, treatment attitudes, & treatment-seeking behavior
Perception and Neuroimaging Lab
Area: Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS)
Advisor: Tom James
Interests: Learning, risk, decision making
Advisors: Richard Shiffrin + Fritz Breithaupt
Interests: Memory, narrative, cognition, computational modeling
Social Roles Lab
Area: Social Psychology
Advisors: Amanda Diekman
Interests: Bias, prejudice, stereotypes, intersectionality, Asian identity, social roles, and coalitions
Area: Social Psychology
Advisor: BJ Rydell
Interests: Emotion, persuasion, social categorization
Area: Program in Neuroscience + PBS
Advisor: Andrea Hohmann
Interests: Pain, Addiction, Negative Affective States (Anxiety & Depression), Endogenous Cannabinoid System
Perception and Action Lab
Area: Vision Perception
Advisors: Geoffrey Bingham
Interests: Vision perception and how it guides humans’ action, especially in distance/depth perception and haptic perception (perception side) and visually guided reaches-to-grasp & locomotion (action side)
Learning, Education, and Development Lab
Area: Development Psychology
Advisor: Emily R. Fyfe
Interests: Broadly, how people, especially children, learn math and science; Specifically, the role of pattern practice in numeracy or other broader contexts; Structure knowledge learning across domains/modalities
Area: Developmental Psychology
Advisor: Elizabeth Gunderson
Interests: Children’s development of spatial and numerical processing, the relationships between spatial and numerical skills, and the mechanisms of spatial training and numerical training
Judgment and Decision Research Lab
Advisor: Jerome Busemeyer
Interests: Dynamical modelings of decision-making process (dynamical systems/sequential sampling models); quantum cognition and quantum modeling; confidence, complex decision-making and metacognition