
Gain experience + expertise in the field

The mission of our department is to lead scientific advances through state-of-the-art experimentation and theory with the goal of understanding how the entire brain-behavior system works—from molecular neuroscience to cognition to the social behavior of groups. Our graduate students are active and involved participants in this mission.

Our vision for graduate training is:

  • To give you the skills and scholarly insight necessary to be ahead of the curve
  • To train you in state-of-the-art experimentation and theory
  • To enable you to build deep expertise in your domain, alongside a broad vision of the field
  • To prepare you to integrate advances in basic science with applications through transitional research and clinical science
  • To create researchers with the highest professional ethics
  • To build a generation of excellent teachers and mentors
  • To coach in practical matters of grant writing, publications, and time organization