
Managing your academic record

The College Graduate Office and the University Graduate School jointly administer academic records for master's and Ph.D. students in departments and programs within the College. The College Graduate Office can help you with many common tasks related to your academic record.

Understanding academic procedures in the College

All graduate students have an advisory committee consisting of three to four faculty members. They approve the student’s program of study and offer counsel until the student the passes of the qualifying examination and is admitted to candidacy. This is the same committee that evaluates your performance on the qualifying examination.

The advisory committee should be formed by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Once you have determined who will serve on your advisory committee, use the online form to record the names of its members.

  • Single majors need 3 faculty—2 from the major, 1 from the minor
  • Double majors need 4 faculty—2 from each major

At least two members of the committee must be members of the graduate faculty and at least one should be a senior (full) professor.

Sometimes students need to make changes to the members of their advisory committee. This can be done online, using the same online form used to appoint the original advisory committee. 

Once you have formed your advisory committee, you are required to meet with them at least once a year and then to file a report of the meeting. To file the report, email a summary of the meeting to your committee. Your advisor must then forward the summary to the ADGS indicating that the report has been approved by the committee. 

Clinical students should also see the Clinical Area’s review guidelines.

  • Required Progress Review Meetings: Every year, students will meet with either the ADGS or Dr. Karin James. This usually occurs at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters. 
  • Progress Letters: Students will receive a copy of their progress report via email outlining their progress in the program. Each advisor is contacted and given the opportunity to provide feedback on her/his student(s). The tenure-track faculty devote 1-2 faculty meetings a year to discuss the progress of all students—twice a year for first and second year students; once a year for others.
  • Required Meetings with Advisory Committee: All students are required to meet with their advisory committee at least once a year and file a report. This is waived for first year students who have not yet formed their committee. To file a report, the student will email their advisor a summary of the meeting. The advisor will indicate approval by forwarding the email to the ADGS.
  • Other Meetings: You may meet with Dr. Karin James or the ADGS at any time by making an appointment. You do not have to wait for the official progress reviews. If you have questions, please feel free to drop by the ADGS's office or to email them.