
Clinical Science Faculty

John Bates

John Bates

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Not accepting graduate students**

Research Interests
development of children's behavior problems and competencies; family interaction processes; child temperament, social, cognitive and affective characteristics; socioeconomic variables; developmental psychopathology; parent behavioral training

Joshua W. Brown

Joshua W. Brown

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Director, Program in Neuroscience

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
develop computational models of brain circuitry involved in cognitive control; test computational model predictions with fMRI; investigate the neural bases of cognitive impairment in psychopathology, especially substance abuse and schizophrenia, using fMRI and computational modeling

Natasha Chaku

Natasha Chaku

Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Not accepting graduate students for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
adolescence; cognition; puberty; positive development; quantitative methods

Spencer Dawson

Spencer Dawson

Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Associate Director of Clinical Training

Administrative Director of the Psychology Clinic

**Not accepting graduate students**

  • spdawson@iu.edu
  • Psychology 150
Brian D'Onofrio

Brian D'Onofrio

Sharon Stephens Brehm Endowed Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
Developmental psychopathology, pharmacoepidemiology, behavior genetics/genetic epidemiology, dissemination and implementation

Peter Finn

Peter Finn

Provost Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Director of Clinical Training

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Fellow, Association for Psychological Science

**Not accepting graduate students**

Research Interests
roles of executive cognitive function, attention control, working memory, decision-making, and personality in self-regulation and disorders characterized by poor self-regulation, such as substance use disorders, externalizing psychopathology, and internalizing psychopathology; development of interventions to improve decision-making and moderate the deleterious effects of stress, negative emotions, and fatigue on executive cognitive functions, such as attention control, and performance

Natasha Hansen

Natasha Hansen

Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Not accepting graduate students**

  • nshansen@iu.edu
  • Psychology Building 160
William P. Hetrick

William P. Hetrick

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
cognitive neuroscience of schizophrenia and related psychological disorders; clinical translational psychopathology approaches to understanding risk factors and "illness" mechanisms using both human and animal models; temporal processing, cerebellar function, and brain micro-state measures of cognitive discoordination; methods utilized in the lab include fMRI, EEG, ERPs, rTMS, EMG, and clinical-neuropsychological assessment

Amy Holtzworth-Munroe

Amy Holtzworth-Munroe

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Not accepting graduate students**

Research Interests
Intimate partner violence; interventions for divorcing or separating parents; studies of the effectiveness of family law interventions (e.g., mediation, court-affiliated parenting programs); screening for intimate partner violence in family law settings

Karin H. James

Karin H. James

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Director of Graduate Studies

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
action and perception interactions during learning; development of object recognition; effects of handwriting on cognitive development, perceptual expertise, gesture processing and active learning in adults

Tom James

Tom James

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
visual and haptic perception; object recognition; cross-sensory integration; priming and adaptation; functional neuroimaging

Daniel P. Kennedy

Daniel P. Kennedy

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Director, Imaging Research Facility

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2024 — specifically interested in applicants in Developmental or Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience**

Research Interests
social neuroscience; autism spectrum disorders; social perception; eye tracking; brain connectivity; functional MRI

Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces

Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces

Associate Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Associate Chair for Research and Facilities

**Not accepting graduate students for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
psychotherapy for depression: outcomes, processes, and moderators; intersection of stepped care and personalized medicine for depression; history and classification of major depressive disorder; treatment of bipolar II depression

Alexandra Moussa-Tooks

Alexandra Moussa-Tooks

Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Reviewing graduate and post-doc applications for Fall, 2024**

  • amoussat@iu.edu
  • Psychology Building 154

Research Interests
Psychotic disorders, motor processes, sensorimotor integration, cerebellum, translational science, intervention, demographics and individual differences, risk factors, behavioral tasks, neuroimaging

Ehren Newman

Ehren Newman

Associate Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
systems neuroscience; learning and memory; circuits; high-density electrophysiology; optogenetics; neural rhythms; theta and gamma rhythms; acetylcholine; neuromodulation; neural information processing; modeling of neural circuits; computational neuroscience

Patrick Quinn

Patrick Quinn

Adjunct Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Assistant Professor, Applied Health Science

Research Interests
opioid and other substance use; chronic pain, pharmacoepidemiology; behavioral genetics

Emma Schiestl

Emma Schiestl

Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Not accepting graduate students**

Research Interests
disordered eating

Richard Viken

Richard Viken

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Research Interests
antisocial behavior; social interaction; family process; behavior genetics; alcohol use and abuse

Krista M. Wisner

Krista M. Wisner

Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2024**

Research Interests
serious mental illness, addiction, stress, interoception, experimental psychology, cognitive neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, neuroimaging