Research Project

Research Project Acceptance forms

These forms must be printed, signed by your advisor, and attached to the front of your project. The project is then delivered to the Assistant Director of Graduate Studies.

The content, length, and other perimeters of your project is determined in consultation with your advisor.

Projects are typically expected to be something that is of publication quality. Second projects are typically the quality of a Master's thesis.

  • First Research Project: Second year students present their first Research Project at a department poster session in the fall. The written project is due at the end of the semester (last day of finals in December).
  • Second Research Project: Due by the end of the student's 5th semester (last day of finals in December).

Research Project Acceptance Form

Statistics and Methods Requirement (Statistical Skills/Methods Requirement)

You are required to complete two statistics/methods courses:

  1. PSY-P 553 Advanced Statistics in Psychology 1*
  2. A second, committee-approved, statistics or methods course.

Some ideas for classes are available at These suggested courses still require the committee's approval and, if outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, a justification for enrollment.

If you have already taken coursework equivalent to P553, you may petition to have the requirement waived. To do so, you must contact the current instructor of P553 who will determine if the courses are comparable. Once the P553 instructor provides a department-level waiver, they will email this waiver to the Assistant Director of Graduate Studies (ADGS). If the course was not used to fulfill any of your undergraduate requirements, the ADGS, with approval from the director of graduate studies, will initiate a transfer of graduate credit request to have the course transferred to IU. Once the course has been transferred, the ADGS will forward the materials to the dean in the University Graduate School along with a request for a waiver. The final decision is determined by the University Graduate School.

You may choose to use the 2016-2017 or later University Graduate School Bulletin requirements. These later requirements do not require the dean's approval for a waiver. The approval of the director of graduate studies is still required.

*If using the 2016-2017 or later requirements, a different (committee-approved) course may be used in place of P553.