PBS Award Applications
Possible Fall Awards
Fall awards open for applications on September 9 and close on October 18.
- View fall awards.
- IUB-Kenneth Heller Student Support Fall Fund
- Sharon Stephens Brehm Spring Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA) Award
- PBS Fall Graduate Travel Award
- Requires a travel budget, a statement of how the funds will be used, and dates of travel
Possible Spring Awards
Spring awards open for applications on January 15 and close on February 20.
- View spring awards.
- IUB-Pang Research in Psychology Fund
- IUB-Amy Holtzworth-Munroe Fellowship in Psychological and Brain Sciences
- IUB-Daniel J. Plebanek Memorial Research Fellowship
- Requires a letter of recommendation, CV, and research abstract.
- IUB-Edward Hirt Fellowship in Psychological and Brain Sciences
- IUB-Elliot and Pamela Smith Enrichment Fund
- IUB-Gordon Kato Fellowship
- IUB-Harlan Family Behavioral Neuroscience Research Innovation Fund
- Requires a letter of recommendation.
- IUB-J.R. Kantor Memorial Fund
- Requires a letter of recommendation, CV, research abstract, and a GPA of 3.7 or greater.
- IUB-Joseph & Sandra Steinmetz Translational, Clinical, and Neuroscience Fund
- IUB-Julia R. Heiman Sexual Science Fellowshi
- Requires a letter of recommendation, CV, and research abstract.
- IUB-Kenneth Heller Minority Student Support Spring Travel Fund
- IUB-Margaret J. Intons-Peterson Graduate Assistance Fund Award
- IUB-Mary P. Czerwinski Psychological and Brain Sciences Fellowship
- Requires two letters of recommendation (one from home department and one from active engagement department), CV, and research abstract.
- IUB-PBS Diversity Enhancement Fund Award
- Requires CV, research abstract, and a personal statement, statement of financial need, and/or purpose of the request. If applying for travel funding, upload a statement that includes the name of the conference, dates, location, and estimated expenses. Lastly, answer the following question: Do you have interest in research in social diversity in race, sexual orientation, gender, disability, and/or social categories?
- IUB-Psychological and Brain Sciences Graduate Fellowship Fund
- IUB-Richard C. and Rita L. Atkinson Fellowship
- IUB-Richard D. Young Memorial Endowment Fund
- Requires letter of recommendation, CV, research abstract, and dissertation progress report.
- IUB-Richard M. Shiffrin Psychological and Brain Sciences Student Support Fund
- Requires letter of recommendation, CV, and research abstract; must be conducting research in cognitive modeling.
- IUB-Third Century Fellowship in Psychological and Brain Sciences
- IUB-William K. Estes Mathematical Psychology Fund
- IUB-Women in Science Travel Fund
- Requires CV, research abstract, names/date/location of conference, statement of purpose for attending the conference, and detailed budget with justification.
- PBS Spring Graduate Travel Award
- Sharon Stephens Brehm Fall Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA) Award
- Sharon Stephens Brehm Spring Graduate Excellence in Research
- Requires research abstract and letter of recommendation.