Syllabus Policies

Syllabus Policies

The policies listed below represent the standard policies for many, but not all PBS classes offered in the Fall 24/Spring 25 academic year. Policies listed directly in a course syllabus take precedence over these policies. Students should carefully read over their syllabuses and address any questions about policies with their instructor. To review policies from previous academic terms, click here.

Accessibility and Accommodation

Every attempt will be made to provide accessibility measures (accommodations) to students with qualifying medical conditions (e.g. mental health, learning, chronic health, physical, hearing, vision, neurological, etc.), under the Americans with Disabilities Act. You must have established your eligibility for support services through Accessible Educational Services for qualifying medical conditions. Note that services are confidential, may take time to put in place, and are forward moving. Captions and alternate media for print materials may take three or more weeks to get produced. Please contact Accessible Educational Services (AES) at 812-855-7578 as soon as possible if accessibility measures are needed. The office is located on the basement floor of Eigenmann Hall, #001.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Stressing out over your studies? Just need someone to talk to? IU has trained, professional staff to provide confidential support. Counseling and Psychological Services and Sexual Assault Crisis Services are provided at no charge to all IU students who have paid the student health fee. If you're a first-time client, you can schedule your first, 30-minute CAPS assessment online. All other appointments can be made by calling 812-855-5711. In an emergency you can contact CAPS 24/7 to speak to a crisis counselor. Call 812-855-5711, option 1 or contact your local hospital emergency department. You may also call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy

IU policy prohibits sexual misconduct in any form, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, and dating and domestic violence. If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the University can help. If you are seeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, you can make an appointment with the IU Sexual Assault Crisis Services at (812) 855-8900, or contact a Confidential Victim Advocate at (812) 856-2469 or

University policy requires me to share certain information brought to my attention about potential sexual misconduct with the campus Deputy Sexual Misconduct & Title IX Coordinator or the University Sexual Misconduct & Title IX Coordinator. In that event, those individuals will work to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available. Protecting student privacy is of utmost concern, and information will only be shared with those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist. I encourage you to visit to learn more. 

Bias-Based Incident Reporting

Bias-based incident reports can be made by students, faculty, and staff. Any act of discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability can be reported through any of the options:

1) fill out an online report at
2) call the Dean of Students Office at (812) 855-8187

Reports can be made anonymously at

Religious and Civic Observances

Students missing class for a religious observance must fill out the accommodation form on the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs webpage at least two weeks before your anticipated absence.

Student Engagement Roster and Early Warning Alerts

Part of my job as the instructor of this course is to make sure you are connected to the resources that will help you succeed. If you receive a message through the Student Engagement Roster that asks you to consult with your advisor, please know that the message is sent to both you and your academic advisor, who will follow up and view the feedback from this course.

Academic Integrity

Please take some time to review the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct because you are expected to adhere to its standards while you are a student at IU. Holding students to the standards outlined in the Code ensures the value of the degree that you are earning from IU and is important training for maintaining ethical standards in the work that you will do in the future.

Academic misconduct is “any activity that tends to undermine the academic integrity of the institution” (Code, II: Responsibilities B,1 ). Academic integrity violations include cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, interference, violation of course rules, facilitating academic dishonesty, and research misconduct. When you submit an assignment with your name on it, you are signifying that the work contained therein is yours, unless otherwise cited or referenced. Any ideas or materials taken from another source must be fully acknowledged. Do not share your completed work with other students. If plagiarism or cheating occurs, all students involved will be considered responsible even if you were unaware that academic misconduct would occur. Ignorance of what constitutes academic misconduct is not a valid excuse. All suspected violations of the Code will be reported to the Dean of Students (Office of Student Conduct). Sanctions for academic misconduct in this course may include a failing grade on the assignment, a reduction in your final course grade, or a failing grade in the course, among other possibilities. If you are unsure about the expectations for completing an assignment or taking a test or exam in this course, speak with your instructor before submitting your assignment.

Generative AI

Cheating is “using, providing, or attempting to use or provide unauthorized assistance, materials, information, or study aids in any form.” (CodeII: Responsibilities B,4,a). Cheating includes the use of artificial intelligence. You must not use generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, Dall-E, Grammarly, QuillBot, and Spinbot for any work for this class without permission of the instructor. Unauthorized use of generative AI in this course will constitute academic misconduct; there will be an academic sanction and the incident will be reported.

Note Selling

Various commercial services request that students upload course materials (e.g., instructor’s notes, study guides, assignment descriptions). You are not permitted to sell the instructor’s materials or upload course materials to a third-party site – even after the course has ended. Violations of this policy will be reported to the Dean of Students (Office of Student Conduct) as academic misconduct; there will be an academic sanction and the incident will be reported. Additionally, you should know that selling a faculty member’s course materials using IU email or other IU systems may also constitute a violation of IU information technology and IU intellectual property policies; additional consequences may result.

Online Course Materials

The instructor teaching this course holds the exclusive right to distribute, modify, post, and reproduce course materials, including all written materials, study guides, lectures, assignments, exercises, and exams. Some of the course content may be downloadable, but you should not distribute, post, or alter the instructor’s intellectual property. While you are permitted to take notes on the online materials and lectures posted for this course for your personal use, you are not permitted to re-post in another forum, distribute, or reproduce content from this course without the express written permission of the instructor. 

GroupMe and Other External Messaging Platforms

You may receive emails from other students about joining GroupMe, Discord, or similar external group messaging platforms for individual classes via Canvas. Even though invitations to join the group may be issued through Canvas, this does not imply the endorsement of the course instructor. While these platforms can be an effective way of contacting classmates and clarifying information related to the course, they can also be sources of unauthorized information sharing or collaboration. Collaborative effort on assignments, quizzes, and exams, including sharing or discussing answers when the instructor has not expressly authorized collaboration, is considered cheating. If academic dishonesty occurs via a messaging platform, everyone involved in the thread may be found responsible for academic misconduct since membership in the group suggests that that they have been able to view the information shared.


Unless otherwise noted, all course materials are copyrighted by your instructor and Indiana University, 2024. All federal and state copyrights in these course materials are reserved by their respective creators. You are authorized to take notes in class and/or record my lectures for your own personal use. You are also welcome to share these materials with others. However you may not make any commercial use of my course materials or profit from them in any way without my prior written permission. In addition to legal sanctions for violations of copyright law, students found to have violated these prohibitions may be subject to University disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct and/or violations of the University’s Technology Acceptable Use Policies


This syllabus is an outline of the course and its policies, which may be changed for reasonable purposes during the semester at the instructor’s discretion.  You will be notified in class and / or via email if any changes are made to this syllabus, and an updated syllabus will be provided on Canvas.