Every Sunday afternoon you will find PBS members of Nu Rho Psi, the National Honor Society in Neuroscience in Ballantine Hall building Narcan kits supplied by the Indiana Recovery Alliance. The kits contain the medical supplies to reverse opioid overdoses.
“The best part about putting the kits together,” says Nu Rho Psi president at PBS, Prabhvir Lakhan, “is that every one of those kits can save a life.” But the activity also brings club members together, giving them a purpose, a place, and a time to talk and get to know each other.
Lakhan is a junior neuroscience major from Avon, Indiana who joined Nu Rho Psi as a sophomore, serving on the executive board as web chair, then as vice president, before becoming president this year. It’s a relatively new organization, founded nationally in 2006 with the IU chapter in PBS established in 2018. As a national honor society, Nu Rho Psi requires a G.P.A of 3.6 and is a department-based club of about 40 members. Meetings take place biweekly and often include faculty research talks.