
Earn internship credit

Psychology and neuroscience majors are encouraged to enroll in the Arts & Sciences Career Services course ASCS Q398 Internship: Theory into Practice.

Internship Courses

Gaining real-world experience should be a big part of your education at IU. The Walter Center for Career Achievement offers internship courses that allow you to earn academic credit while completing an internship. A variety of course options make it possible to maintain part- or full-time student status while you complete your internship.

The following internship courses are offered through the College of Arts & Sciences and are open to exploratory students. To qualify, you must:

  • Be an undergraduate
  • Have a GPA of 2.0 or above
  • Have completed at least 24 credit hours prior to the start of the course
  • Begin with the internship course offered by your department, if applicable. In the event of a granted waiver, students must not have higher than a junior-level status and can take the course for only one term prior to completing their home department’s internship course. Please consult your academic advisor before applying for Q398, W498, or W499.

Why should you complete an internship? How can you find an internship that's right for you?

From classroom to community

Q398 internship requirements:
  • Your internship must enhance your career development or offer the opportunity to apply knowledge you’ve gained in the classroom to real world scenarios.
  • The internship must not exist to simply advance the operations of the employer or replace work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  • The skills and knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
  • The experience must have a defined beginning and end, and a job description outlining projects, duties, and/or responsibilities.
  • The internship provides clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to your academic coursework or professional goals.
  • Supervision is provided by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
  • The experienced supervisor regularly provides guidance and feedback.
  • The host employer provides resources, equipment, and facilities that support your learning objectives and goals.
  • Your internship should last at least 9 weeks.
  • No hours will be counted until your internship is approved in the application process.
Q398 application deadlines:
  • Summer semester: June 1
  • Fall semester: October 1
  • Spring semester: February 1
Note that applications are not accepted after the deadline. There are no exceptions to this policy. You must secure an internship and/or work experience before you apply for any of these classes. See below for more information and additional requirements.